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 Sky Valley Preschool  Academy  Parents Handbook
Growing Great Kids!

Sky Valley Academy
Mission Statement

Sky Valley Preschool Academy is an academic preschool program offering students a variety of learning opportunities through many different activities. Each day students have circle time, age appropriate  math, science, phonics, letter and sound recognition, writing, reading, arts and crafts in a self esteem building environment. Each day students have a gymnastics class with a coach in their own 20,000 sq ft gym. Students will learn preschool skills on vault, bars, beam, floor, tumbling pit, trampoline, rock wall. They will also have a half an hour of  free play and game time also.

Sky Valley Preschool Academy is devoted to your child. We strive to give your child the best foundation of early childhood education, both academically and physically. We believe building confidence and self esteem will help develop a well rounded child.

Class Description

The Two's class is offered for 3 1/2 hours a day two,three, or five days a week.  The 2's group is just beginning to put together sentences, learning colors, shapes and how to follow directions and develop social behavior. This is a new experience for them. For many children this is their first time being away from their parents. This transition is encouraged through interactive play time, songs, and creative arts and crafts. They will have a gymnastics class each day along with play time in the gym. Ratio 6:1

The Three' s class is offered 2, 3 or 5 days a week. The three's group is becoming very independent and social. Our "Circle Time" follows themes that correlate with holidays and seasons and world cultures. Activities include number recognition, language, manipulative centers,  science, art and gymnastics each school day. Ratio 8:1

The Pre-K class - Fours & Fives - is offered 2, 3, or 5 days (half or full days). The Pre-K group is learning math concepts, language and writing skills. They will be using manipulative centers, computer and reading lab, art and gymnastics class as part of their daily curriculum. Our "Circle Time" follows themes that correlate with holidays and seasons and world cultures. The main focus is to have each individual child to the best of their ability ready for Kindergarten. Ratio 8:1
*All Classes focus on each individual child's ability and readiness to learn.

Your Child's Day At Preschool
(The day can vary depending on activities planned and children's interests.)   

Students Arrival: Children participate in quiet activities as students arrive. Centers are set up with different activities.

Recess Time: Students have open gym play time in the gym along with organized games,  with teaching activities.

Circle Time: Teacher led instruction discussing and singing about our calendar, current events, weather Story and Music time

Centers and Craft: Concurrent to the monthly theme.

Snack is on an assigned rotation. Your child will be selected once a month(ish) to bring snack for the class. Snack is served roughly mid class. Snack menus are sent home so you know what your child is easting in class each day as well as what to bring for your assigned day. 

Gymnastics class is taught for a half an hour each day with a trained gymnastics coach. While half the class partakes in gymnastics, the other half participates in small group/work time with the teacher. After a half an hour the groups flip.    

Children staying all day will have lunch as the half day group checks out and second class arrives. 

Preschool Gymnastics Class:

The preschoolers will participate in a half hour gymnastics class with a coach each day. Our goal is to teach the basics of preschool gymnastics. Children will be learning beginning skills on vault, bars, beam, floor, trampoline, tumbling pit, rock wall and tumbling activities on the floor. You will receive a progression sheet with skills & routines they will learn during the school year. Each child will progress through the skills at an individual rate.


You may bring a change clothes for gymnastics class or dress for the day in clothing appropriate for gymnastics class. Please be sure to bring an extra change of clothes in case of potty accidents.

Important Information,

Rules & Regulations:

Tuition Options
Tuition is due by the 1st of each month.  There is a 10 day grace period, if received after the 10th of the month there will be a $25.00 late fee applied to your account. Please contact us if your tuition payment will be delayed. Tuition is based on the school year divided by 10 months.  

You must sign up for auto pay that will be charged on a card kept on file on your choice of the 1st, 5th, or 10th of each month.

You must give a 30 day written notice if you are discontinuing classes. You are responsible for all payments through your given notice. If no notice is given your account will be charged for the month. There is no refund for registration. 


Please be on time to class and do not show up to class more than 5 minutes early.  If you are more than 5 minutes late picking up your child you may be charged a fee of $10.00 for every 10 minutes you are late. Please call if you will be late picking your child up from class. Children get worried when everyone has gone and they are the only one at school.


Please call the office if your child will not be attending class.   

What to bring to class: 

You may bring a back pack big enough to hold notebook sized paper and big enough for projects. Bring clothes or wear clothing appropriate for gymnastics class.  If your child wears a dress to school please provide shorts to wear under the dress. Please pack extra clothing in case of accident.

Nap or Rest Time:

If your child stays at school all day they will be offered a rest time after lunch.  We will supply a mat. You are responsible to send a  sheet and cover for your child to use. The washables will be sent home on Fridays and must be returned to school on Mondays.


Check folders daily for important information. Also check the website (skyvalleyacademy.com) for updates and additional information pertaining to class events.  This is our way of communicating any changes with you.

Field Trips: 

  Field Trips are included in your registration. On occasion there may be a special field trip planned that you will be responsible to pay for. Please turn in permission slips for field trips on time.  You must sign a permission slip for your child to join us on field trips whether you are present or not. Your child will be transported by private vehicle. If you choose to drive you must provide us with a valid drivers license and valid proof of  insurance. Siblings are typically asked not to attend fieldtrips as we have a lot of students. If you accompany us on a field trip we want you to be able to give all your attention to students.

Web Access:

 Please visit your child's teacher's web page. This will provide access to when we have school closures, monthly themes and field trips etc. You can find the web sites at skyvalleyacademy.com and then go to the teachers link.

Non School Days: 

Veterans Day,  Thanksgiving and the day after, Christmas Break, MLK, Presidents Day, Spring Break, and Memorial Day
Please check the website due to inclement weather. We do not make up snow days.This is where you will find information regarding closures due to bad weather. Situations may occur that are out of our control that may cause the school to be closed.


Snack will be served each day in class.  Parents are responsible to supply the daily snack. Please check your lesson plan to see when it is your
turn to bring snack to class. Snack consists of a Protein, Carbohydrate and Real Fruit juice. All foods brought to school must be store bought, due to allergies.


If your child stays all day you are responsible to bring a healthy sack lunch for your child.


If your child is sick, has gold or green runny nose, or a cough do not bring your child to school.  If your child has had a fever, diarrhea or has vomited in the last 24 hours please keep them home. Call the school and let them know that your child will be absent. If your child becomes ill at school you will be called immediately. You must pick up your child in a timely manner.


If your child has any allergies food or otherwise or develops any allergies during the school year it is your responsibility to provide the information to your child's teacher and office staff.


Pet Policy:

Parents and guardians will be informed if the classroom has a pet.

Children will have supervised access to pet.

After the child has touched the pet they will be required to wash their hands.

Pets will be kept in cage for the majority of the day. If required pets will be immunized.

Adults will clean and remove waste on a daily basis.



 Our policy is as follows: Time out is used as a time to gather one's self. When the child is ready to re enter the group they are welcomed back. Time out will never last more than 1 minute per year of age. Time out is rarely used as we try to use reason and choice as our first line of discipline.
If a child is uncontrollable on a consistent basis they maybe asked to un-enroll from our program. If you are a DSHS client and miss more than five days you will be dropped from the program.

 Parents may view our Health and Emergency Plan located in the Director's office.



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