Welcome to our Class
 Valentine's Day Party
MWF Classes - Wednesday, February 12th TTH Classes - Thursday, February 13th
No School
Friday, February 14th
February 17th Spirit Week Monday, March 3rd - Friday,
March 7th
 Scholastic Book Orders Saturday, February 15th
Thank you for all your support
Class Code - GRN3M
Online Orders Only
2024- 2025
School Calendar September:
- M-W-F Class First Day of School 5th - T-TH Classes First Day of School November: 11th - Veterans Day 28th & 29th - Thanksgiving
Weekend December: 23rd - January 3rd - Christmas
Vacation January: 6th & 7th - Classes Resume 20th - Martin Luther King Jr.
Day February: 14th - 17th - President's Day Weekend April: 7th - 11th - Spring Break May:23rd - 26th - Memorial Day
Weekend June: 12th-TH Classes Last Day 13th-
M-W-F Classes Last Day 14th - Pre-K Graduation MWF
Classes @ TBA TTH Classes @ TBA
Open Enrollment for the 2025/2026 School Year Contact us for a tour
Themes Valentines, President's Day, Dentist,
& Dr, Seuss
Literacy H-I-W & L
Math Numbers:
13-15 Addition/Subtraction
Concepts Communication of Needs
Social Focus Calming Techniques February
We follow the Monroe School Districts closure schedule.If there is a 2 hour delay we will not have morning classes. Please check our website or call if you are unsure. You can also check flashalert.net
for information. If the snow isn't
too bad in town we may have class. We
will not have any make up days.
Hello &
Welcome to the 2024/2025 school year, I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and seeing old friends. Let me start by telling you a little
about myself. I have an AA degree in Early Childhood Education and have been teaching at SVPA since 2003. I started as an
aide, as we grew I became a lead teacher. I began my career in So. California, where I grew up. I knew that teaching was going
to be part of my life since I was a child. The thrill of discovering something new has always been one of my greatest joys.
I believe that learning is the ultimate adventure. I worked as a tutor while going to college & the first time I taught
a child to read I changed my major & never looked back. I moved to Washington to be close to family. I have lived in the
Northwest since 1997 with my husband and daughter, Zoey (25) who married to a wonderful young man named Brian. I also have
a son Ethan (27) who is married to a wondrful young lady named Ashley, they live in Arizona with my Grandpuppy Nugget. My
husband and I have a cat, Ryu, & a dog, Winston, a Shepard Akita mix. I think we at SVPA have a great school not just because of our wonderful, caring staff but because
we believe in letting children learn their way. Everyone sees the world with a different perspective, children are no different.
When given lots of opportunity to explore & discover at their pace they see that learning is fun. We believe that physical
activity is beneficial to the learning process that is why we provide 30 min. of freeplay at the beginning of class as well
as a 30 min. gymnastics at the end of class everyday. I know that as the year progresses you will fall in love with SVPA just
as I have. Here's to a great year full of adventure, discovery & fun! Miss Lynnette    